Assoc. Prof.
Department of Chemical Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Bebek 34342, Istanbul-TURKEY
0 (212) 359 6433

PhD: Chemical Engineering,Bogazici University, Turkey, 2005
MS: Chemical Engineering, Bogazici University, Turkey, 2000
BS: Chemical Engineering, Bogazici University, Turkey, 1997

Honors and Awards: 

- BAP Doctorate Thesis Award, 2005

Research Interests: 
  • Soft Sensor Design
  • Statistical Learning and Applied Statistics
  • Statistical Process Monitoring (SPM)
  • Molecular Modeling
Selected Papers: 
1. B. Alakent, Soft-sensor design via task transferred just-in-time-learning coupled transductive moving window learner, J Proc Control, 101, 52-67 (2021).
2. F. K. Oner, B. Alakent, S. Soyer-Uzun, Effect of Silane A-174 Modifications in the Structure, Chemistry, and Compressive Strength of PLA-HAP and PLA-β-TCP Biocomposites: Toward the Design of Polymer–Ceramic Implants with High Performance, ACS Appl Polym, 3, 2432–2446 (2021).
3. B. Alakent, Soft sensor design using transductive moving window learner, Comp Chem Eng, 106941 (2020).
4. B. Alakent, Online tuning of predictor weights for relevant data selection in just-in-time-learning, Chemometr Intell Lab, 203, 104043 (2020).
5. C. Oztepe, B. Alakent, B.S. Caglayan, A.E. Aksoylu, An experimental and modeling study aiming to enhance the performance of OSR of a methane fuel processor via Box-Behnken design, Fuel Process Technol, 205, 106451 (2020).
6. A. Urhan, B. Alakent, Integrating adaptive moving window and just-in-time learning paradigms for soft-sensor design, Neurocomputing, 392, 23-37 (2020).
7. E.C. Mutlu, B. Alakent, Revisiting reweighted robust standard deviation estimators for univariate Shewhart S‐charts, Qual Reliab Eng Int, 35, 995-1009 (2019).
8. B. Alakent, S. Soyer-Uzun, Implementation of Statistical Learning Methods to Develop Guidelines for the Design of PLA-Based Composites with High Tensile Strength Values, Ind Eng Chem Res, 58, 3478-3489 (2019).
9. B. Alakent, R.K. Issever, Exploratory and predictive logistic modeling of a ring spinning process using historical data, Text Res J, 87, 1643-1654 (2017).
10. D. Eren, B. Alakent, Frequency Response of a Protein to Local Conformational Perturbations, PLoS Comput Biol 9, e1003238 (2013).