PhD: Chemical Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Turkey, 1992
MS: Chemical Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Turkey, 1989
BS: Chemical Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Turkey, 1987
- Visiting Scientist at National Cancer Institute /National Instititute of Health (Frederict, USA), short visits, 2002-2008.
- Visiting Scientist at Danold Danforth Science Center (St Louis, USA), Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics, summers of 2000, 2001
- Visiting Scientist at the University of Akron, Institute of Polymer Science, summers of 1994-1999
- Post-Doctorate at the University of Akron, Institute of Polymer Science, 1992-1993
2024- Ewha Global Fellow (EGF), Ewha Womans University, Korea
2018- NATO Science Partnership Prize
2012- Selected Member, Science Academy, Turkey
2007- Selected Associate Member, Turkish Academy of Sciences
2001- Distinguished Young Scientist, Turkish Academy of Sciences
2000- Selected from amongst the most promising young European scientist by Institut De France Academie Des Sciences
2000- Outstanding Achievement in Research Prize, Boğaziçi University
1996- Chemistry Award for Young Scientists from TUBITAK (Turkish National Science and Technology Foundation)
- Biopolymers
- Computational Structural Biology
- Protein dynamics
- Binding and Folding of Proteins
- Protein Interactions
- Acar B, Rose J, Aykac Fas B, Ben-Tal N, Lewinson O, Haliloglu T, Distinct Allosteric Networks Underlie Mechanistic Speciation of ABC Transporters. Structure. 2020 Apr 15. pii: S0969-2126(20)30096-4. doi: 10.1016/j.str.2020.03.014.
- Sayılgan JF, Haliloğlu T, Gönen M, Protein dynamics analysis reveals that missense mutations in cancer-related genes appear frequently on hinge-neighboring residues, Proteins. 2019 Jun;87(6):512-519. doi: 10.1002/prot.25673. Epub 2019 Mar 6.
- Yang M, Livnat Levanon N, Acar B, Aykac Fas B, Masrati G, Rose J, Ben-Tal N, Haliloglu T, Zhao Y, Lewinson O, “Single-molecule probing of the conformational homogeneity of the ABC transporter BtuCD”, Nat Chem Biol., 14 (7), 2018: 715-722, 2018
- Onel M, Sumbul F, Liu J, Nussinov R, Haliloglu T, "Cullin neddylation may allosterically tune polyubiquitin chain length and topology", Biochem J., 474 (5): 781-795, 2017
- Soner S, Ozbek P, Garzon JI, Ben-Tal N, Haliloglu T, "DynaFace: Discrimination between Obligatory and Non-obligatory Protein-Protein Interactions Based on the Complex's Dynamics", PLoS Comput Biol., 11 (10): e1004461, 2015
- Padan E, Danieli T, Keren Y, Alkoby D, Masrati G, Haliloglu T, Ben-Tal N, Rimon A., "NhaA antiporter functions using 10 helices, and an additional 2 contribute to assembly/stability", Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 112 (41): E5575-82, 2015
- Sumbul F, Acuner-Ozbabacan SE, Haliloglu T, "Allosteric Dynamic Control of Binding", Biophys J., 1 109 (6): 1190-201, 2015
- Haliloglu T, Bahar I, "Adaptability of protein structures to enable functional interactions and evolutionary implications", Curr Opin Struct Biol., 35: 17-23, 2015
- Gofman Y., Schärfe C., Marks D.S., Haliloglu T., Ben-Tal N. "Structure, Dynamics and Implied Gating Mechanism of a Human Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channel", PLOS Computational Biology, 10 (12), e1003976, 2014
- Sahillioglu A.C., Sumbul F., Ozoren N., Haliloglu T. "Structural and Dynamics Aspects of ASC Speck Assembly", Structure, 22, 1722-1734, 2014
- Uyar A., Kantarci-Carsibasi N., Haliloglu T., Doruker P. "Features of Large Hinge-Bending Conformational Transitions. Prediction of Closed Structure from Open State", Biophysical Journal, 106, 2656–2666, 2014
- Kaya C., Armutlulu A., Ekesan S. and Haliloglu T. "MCPath: Monte Carlo path generation approach to predict likely allosteric pathways and functional residues", Nucleic Acids Research, 41, (Web Server Issue), w429-w255, 2013
- Korkmaz EN, Nussinov R, Haliloglu T, "Conformational control of the binding of the transactivation domain of the MLL protein and c-Myb to the KIX domain of CREB", PLoS Comput Biol., e1002420, 2012
- Haliloglu T, Gul A, Erman B, "Predicting Important Residues and Interaction Pathways in Proteins Using Gaussian Network Model: Binding and Stability of HLA Proteins", PLoS Comput Biol, 6 (7) e1000845, 2010
- Ozbek P, Soner S, Erman B, Haliloglu T, "DNABINDPROT: fluctuation-based predictor of DNA-binding residues within a network of interacting residues", Nucleic Acids Res (Web Server Issue), 38, W417-23, 2010
- Haliloglu T, Seyrek E, Erman B, "Prediction of Binding Sites in Receptor-Ligand Complex with the Gaussian Network Model", Physical Review Letters, 100 (22), 228102, 2008
- Haliloglu T, Erman B, Analysis of correlations between energy and residue fluctuations in native proteins and determination of specific sites for binding, Phys Rev Lett, 102 (8): 088103, 2009
- Emekli U., Scheidman-Duhovny D., Wolfson H.J., Nussinov R., Haliloglu T., "HingeProt: Automated Prediction of Hinges in Protein Structures", Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 70, 1219-1227, 2008
- Kurt, N., Halilogu, T, Schiffer, C, "Structure-Based Prediction of Potential Binding and Non-Binding Peptides to HIV-1 Protease", Biophysical Journal, 864-863, 2003
- Haliloglu. T., Bahar, I., Erman, B., "Gaussian Dynamics of Folded Proteins", Pysical Review Letters, 79, 3090-3093, 1997
- Haliloglu, T., Mattice, W. L., "Conformational Transitions of End-Adsorbed triblock Copolymers in a nonselective Solvent", Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, 6, 667-677, 1997
- Haliloglu, T., Bahar, I., Erman, B., Mattice, W. L., "Mechanisms of the Exchange of Diblock Copolymers between Micelles at Dynamic Equilibrium", Macromolecules, 29, 4764-4771, 1996
- Haliloglu, T., Bahar, I., Erman, B., Kim E. -G., "A Dynamic Rotational Isomeric State Approach for Extension of the Time Scale of the Local Dynamics Observed in Fully Atomostic Molecular Dynamics Simulations", J. Chem. Phys., 104, 4828-4834, 1996.