Department of Chemical Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Bebek 34342, Istanbul-TURKEY
+90 (212) 359 68 67

PhD: Chemical Engineering, University of South Florida, USA, 1991
MSc: Chemical Engineering, Bogazici University, Turkey, 1987
BSc: Chemical Engineering, Bogazici University, Turkey, 1985

Research Interests: 
  • Process modeling, synthesis, design, and optimization;
  • Process control; Optimal control;
  • Applied mathematics; Numerical methods;
  • Energy engineering, energy economics, and energy policies;
  • Financial engineering; Economics; Econometrics;
  • Technical analysis of markets and commodities;
  • Neural Networks; Artificial intelligence applications;
  • Bioinformatics; Multivariable Statistics; Clustering; Classification;
  • Supercritical fluids technology and thermodynamics
Selected Papers: 
  • 1. Akman U., Okay E., Okay N., "Current Snapshot of the Turkish ESCO Market", Energy Policy, 60, 106-115 (2013)
  • 2. Okay N., Akman U., "Analysis of ESCO (Energy Service Company) Activities Using Country Indicators", Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14(9), 2760-2771 (2010)
  • 3. Okay E., Okay N., Konukman A.E.S., Akman U., "Views on Turkey's Impending ESCO Market: Is it Promising?", Energy Policy, 36(6), 1821-1825 (2008)
  • 4. Akman U., Okay N. Hortacsu O, "Hierarchical Clustering Analysis for the Distribution of Origanum-Oil Components in Dense CO2", Korean J. Chemical Engineering, 25(2), 329-344 (2008)
  • 5. Keskin S., Kayrak-Talay D., Akman U., Hortacsu O., "A Review of Ionic Liquids Towards Supercritical Fluid Applications", J. Supercritical Fluids, 43(1), 150-180 (2007)
  • 6. Sarıyar B., Perk S., Akman U., Hortaçsu A., "Monte Carlo Sampling and Principal Component Analysis of Flux Distributions Yield Topological and Modular Information on Metabolic Networks", J. Theoretical Biology, 242(2), 389-400 (2006)
  • 7. Konukman A.E.S., Akman U., "Flexibility and Operability Analysis of a HEN-Integrated Natural Gas Expander Plant", Chem. Eng. Sci., 60(24), 7057-7074 (2005)
  • 8. Okay N., Akman U., "Index Tracking with Constraint Aggregation", Applied Economics Letters, 10(14/15), 913-916 (2003)
  • 9. Konukman A.E.S., Çamurdan M.C., Akman U., "Simultaneous Flexibility Targeting and Synthesis of Minimum-Utility Heat-Exchanger Networks with Superstructure-Based MILP Formulation", Chemical Engineering & Processing, 41(6), 501-518 (2002)
  • 10. Akman U., Uygun K., Uztürk D., Konukman A.E.S., "HEN Optimizations Without Using Logarithmic-Mean-Temperature Difference", AIChE J., 48(3), 596-606 (2002)